Covid-19 Collaborative Platform

The objective of the COVID-19 collaborative platform is to empower our business community to find solutions to meet their business needs and to offer their services. It allows callers and suppliers to meet each other through a business matchmaking service managed by our team. This collaborative platform is open to all and is provided free of charge by the French Business Council.
How to contribute?
Your company is facing a challenge and needs support.
- Fill out the online form describing the need your company is facing.
- The French Business Council team will publish your need on the platform*.
- Companies that can help you solve your challenge will contact our team.
- Our team will connect you with the company.
*The name of your company can stay confidential.
Your company provides a solution to help others.
- Fill out the online form describing the solution* your company offers to the community.
- The French Business Council team will publish your offer on the platform.
- Companies interested in your solution will contact you directly
*Please note that all services should offer a turnkey solution and a promotional offer regarding the COVID-19 circumstances.
How can we work together?
You can browse the business needs and solutions below.
Contact us
You wish to withdraw your need or solution publication? You have a question?

I would like to go through the needs of companies.
Browse company needs
I would like to go through the offers/solutions that companies are offering.
Browse the solutions/offers offered