Business Centers

We offer a business centre in Dubai, providing you with a flexible and convenient location for your company to develop your business in the Middle East. We also offer V.I.E. hosting and supervision.

Business Center LeBooster Dubai V.I.E. hosting and supervision

Le Booster Business Center - Our tailor-made turnkey solution to set-up your company in the UAE


CCI FRANCE UAE propose a Business Center in Dubai, offering French companies a flexible solution to set-up and develop your company in the Middle East.

Dubai Silicon Oasis | « A city within the city »

Le Booster Dubai is located in Dubai Silicon Oasis, a free trade zone considered to be one of the most efficient in terms of infrastructure and services,

  • Close to the airport and easily accessible by transports, 
  • 100% ownership of your company (no need to share capital with a local partner), 
  • Preferential terms associated with the free-zone, rules and regulations, 
  • Access to a broad range of services in addition to the business center services (data-center, conference room, warehouses, hotels, Emirates Post, restaurant and more...)

Dubai | The perfect location to set-up your business

  • A global and regional hub, offering a gateway to Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Europe, less than 8 hours flight from Hong Kong, New Delhi, and Paris.
  • A favorable environment, with a simple legislative framework, a favorable tax system,
  • One of the most efficient infrastructure networks in the world (metro, highways, airport, bus, taxis ...).

Meeting Room Rental (6 to 8 attendees)

Just passing through Dubai? Rent an individual or shared office or meeting room for the week, hour or day with Le Booster Dubai.

Rates - Meeting room rental:

  • 1hour : 90 AED (incl. VAT)
  • Half day : 300 AED  (incl. VAT)
  • Full day: 500 AED  (incl. VAT)

Price includes water and coffee. Meeting room equiped with a smart TV, paper board and videoconference system.

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Our offer for your VIE (Volontariat International en Entreprise / French International Internship Programme)

CCI France UAE offers a turnkey offer to companies wishing to send a VIE (French International Internship Programme):


  • 12m2 or open space,
  • complete furniture,
  • telephone access (dedicated line) and Internet,
  • equipped meeting room,
  • reception and maintenance services


  • Presentation of legal and business framework and sector of activity of the company.
  • Regular follow-ups with the VIE to help him/her during his mission. 


  • Easy access to the network of more than 500 French and local CCI France UAE member companies.
  • Preferential rates on all activities and events offered by CCI France UAE.


  • Personalized training in intercultural issues to facilitate the VIE integration in the Emirates from a personal and professional point of view.
  • Methodological assistance with weekly follow-up of the progress of the VIE mission.
  • Monthly follow-up report and conference call with the VIE company.


A Residency visa is mandatory to work in the United Arab Emirates. 

  • Administrative procedure for obtaining, managing and canceling the visa.
  • Visa and sponsorship (the UAE Labor Law requires that each worker has a Residency Visa sponsorised by a local entity).
  • Letter of authorization from the sponsor to open a bank account, rent an apartment and transfer the driver's license.


  • Tailored-made offer (estimated after an estimation of the project).


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