The FBC adapts its services to support companies

The Board of Directors and the permanent team of the French Business Council of Dubai & Northern Emirates are mobilized to support the companies of our business community as well as the companies of France during this Covid-19 crisis.
During this period of containment is as follows:
Digitization of events
Our events have been converted into webinars in order to allow our companies to continue to be informed, to exchange, to ask their questions to our experts and to give us their inputs so that we can communicater them to the French and local authorities.
The webinars are organized around two main themes:
Covid-19 - Crisis Management
- "Geographic Webinars": follow the evolution of the business environment in the UAE and the countries of the Gulf region.
- "Expert webinars": benefit from regular updates and a deciphering of the measures taken by the Emirates via our network of experts (evolution of the legal framework, health situation, human resources management, negotiation in times of crisis...).
- "Economic and financial webinars": Information on the measures put in place for companies registered in France as well as for local companies in partnership with the TFE (BPI, Economic Services of the Embassy...) and local authorities.
- "Sectorial Webinars": get insights on the situation and perpectives of development through a sector analysis via our various sector committees.
- « Les Clubs » : our functional clubs (Synergy club, CEO club, CFO, Marcom, HRD, CDO, etc.) will remain the same, but online. A digital tool will soon make it possible to offer dedicated forums by sector and function for continuous exchange.
- « Meet the CEO » : this event is exclusively offered to our members, allowing them to benefit from an individual 20-minute face-to-face meeting with a CEO of a major French group (via Microsoft Teams).
Preparing the way out of the crisis (Let's talk business!)
- Webinars in English and French to further develop knowledge of the region's markets and prepare companies for the recovery (development of key skills, exit and return-to-work strategies, testimonials from French companies in Asia via our colleagues in the APAC zone, ...).
- Online workshops to prepare job seekers and to inform them about the "virtual job market" set up by the UAE authorities.
Check out our upcoming events by clicking here.
A special webinar will be organized with the exceptional intervention of Ambassador Ludovic Pouille by the end of April.
Information monitoring and deciphering
Web page " Covid 19 - Business Advisory"
A dedicated page on our website to find the latest local and regional news that may impact the business environment.
Weekly Update by FBC
A weekly summary allowing you to decipher the main local and regional news of the week, company testimonials, a different "sector focus" each week, tips and answers from our legal and financial experts to your questions and a weekly survey on a key topic, the results of which will be communicated in the Weekly Update of the following week.
Business Consulting Services
We offer to companies already established in the UAE as well as to companies still based in France, several remote services to continue to develop their business and keep in touch with their prospects and customers.
- Matchmaking service and organization of targeted business meetings: for companies already established and members of our business community (meetings by Zoom or Microsoft Teams).
- For companies in France: organisation of a commercial follow-up of prospects and customers by our business support team.
- Recruitment Service: looking for French or francophone candidates for FBC member companies with vacancies.
Impact survey / business community barometer of confidence
This questionnaire was first launched in mid-March and sent to all members of the FBC and the FBG. It will be updated every month to monitor the impact of Covid-19 on our business community and to report the main findings to the French and local authorities.
Results of the March 2020 questionnaire available by clicking here.
Our offices are closed but our permanent team remains mobilized to meet the needs of companies.
If you have any questions about the evolving business environment in this time of crisis or if you would like to send us your concerns at this time, please contact us at : +971 4 312 6700 – fbc(@)