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[Webinaire partner] Kuwait - Political and economic situation


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Price: Free - open to all


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around Mrs. Anne-Claire LEGENDRE, Ambassador of the French Republic to the State of Kuwait, Mrs. Mylene TISSERANT, MENA analyst at Eurasia Group, Mr. Saade CHAMI, Chief Economist at the National Bank of Kuwait (NBK), Mr. Bader Nasser AL-KHARAFI Vice President and General Manager of the Zain Group [tbc], and chaired by Mr François TOUAZI, Vice President of the France-CCG works council of MEDEF International and Senior Managing Director of Ardian 

Kuwait has experienced a succession of major political events in recent months: the arrival in power of a new emir in September 2020, legislative elections in December 2020 and the resignation of the government last January.

Economically, Kuwait is particularly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic: the GDP should contract by around 6% in 2020 after a slowdown to 0.4% in 2019. Under these conditions, the country could be confronted with financing difficulties that could force it to slow down certain major axes of its economic diversification plan New Kuwait 2035.

This webinar will provide an opportunity to :  


  • go back over the political situation of the country a few months after Emir Nawaf al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah came to power;  
  • take stock of Kuwait's economic situation and identify its priorities with regard to the impact of the pandemic on the country;
  • exchange views on the conditions for operating in this unprecedented context with French companies with activities or projects in Kuwait 

We would be grateful if you could let us know any questions you may have for the speakers at: omartz(@)medef.fr

The working language of this webinar will be English.

Login details will be sent to you the day before.

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