Evènements  •  Networking

Digital French Tuesday - Special "Back to Work"

Webinar - Zoom,

Event language(s)

For members only

Price: Free of charge
Event reserved to FBC Members


Event ended.

Your monthly networking event FRENCH TUESDAY in a digital version!

Join us for a 100% corporate after-work event! The French Tuesday is our most famous monthly networking event to meet key contacts in the business community in Dubai. It's a unique opportunity to develop your network.

Important information

  • Event reserved to FBC members. Limited seats!
  • Special "Back to Work": Each member can invite 1 non-member (active professionals only).
  • Connection via Zoom APP.
  • Access link for the event will be sent to the registered participants on the day of the event. Time limit to join the event is 6.05 pm.
  • In order to register, FBC Members need to be logged in their FBC Member Online Space. 
    • First time login? More information here.
    • If you have any questions or trouble to login please contact: julia.carre(@)fbcdubai.com or sofia.bouguerra(@)fbcdubai.com.
  • You are not yet a FBC Member ? Please have a look at the different packages available online and/or contact us at : membership(@)fbcdubai.com. 


Tuesday 8 September 2020
17:50 - 18:00 Connection to the event via the Zoom Application (link received by email)
18:00 - 18:10 Welcome and guidelines - (Time limit to join the event is 6.05 pm)
18:10 - 19:10 Two networking sessions in small groups - Moderated by FBC Team
19:10 - 19:15 Conclusion and end of the event

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