Murielle GRUSSENMEYERFounder and Managing Director - Chrysalis MG Consulting

Consultant and Facilitator in Leadership Development, Talent Management, and Team Effectiveness Expert.
Founder and Managing Director Chrysalis MG Consulting - Leadership and Transformation Expert, Executive Coach and Facilitator
30 years in Senior Leader roles in Global corporations across the world – Expert in leadership transformation, with a proven track record of driving successful transformations across various industries and cultures.
Awards winner at GCC Government HR Summit - Certified Executive Coach: Brain Based Coaching - Neuro-Leadership Institute & IC
Certified HOGAN Assessment, Insights Discovery
Murielle believes in creating alignment and building sustainable alliances. Her facilitation style allows an open, safe and constructive dialogue and her approach, based on Neuroscience, experiential learning and transformational coaching, generates an immediate impact on individual and teams.