Luc KOECHLINManaging Director and CEO - EDF Middle East

Luc Koechlin, 43 years old, holds a master’s degree in Finance and Business Administration from ESSEC Business school, one of the leading French Business School.
After 5 years as a consultant in Corporate Recovery and Turnaround Management for Arthur Andersen he joined EDF in 2005.
From 2005 to 2017, he has occupied various positions within EDF Group from advisor and auditor at EDF Presidency, to Regional Commercial Director managing the transformation of EDF to face the opening of the French electricity market to competition.
He joined EDF International Division in 2017, as Vice President for Southern and Eastern Africa, based in Johannesburg, in charge of the development of the Group in the region. During this period, he has been developing projects, especially in Hydropower and Energy Efficiency to support the energy crisis and the energy transition from coal to clean energy.
In September 2022, he has been appointed as Managing Director and CEO EDF Middle East, based in Abu Dhabi. Present in the UAE, KSA, Qatar, Bahrein, Oman and Lebanon with almost 250 employees locally implemented, EDF bring its well-recognized expertise to the Middle East region who has started its energy transition. Through a range of diverse solutions involving energy efficiency programs and the use of hydroelectric, wind, solar, biomass, thermal and nuclear power, EDF Group favors the most appropriate and low-carbon solutions answering the energy transition expectations.