Construction Committee

Missions and Objectives

The committee allows professionals from the Construction industry to discuss business and economic trends and government initiatives that impact the construction industry.

It is also a platform to discover innovative technologies in the sector and share information about strategic and important projects that are taking place in the region.

Formats of this committee

  • Closed meetings, reserved for members of the CCI France UAE, actors of the sector. Closed to consultants.

The group meets online regularly, for a one-hour session. An expert speaker is invited for 30 minutes followed by a round table discussion among the participants only for 30 minutes.

  • Events open to all, Members and Non-Members of the CCI France UAE.

In-person committee.

  • Site visits

In addition

Language: French and/or English

Core Team

Frederic MARCHAND Trouvay Cauvin
Rajesh PATIL Havelock One Interiors
Pierre PINIAU Milwaukee
Orsolya SAGI Key Account Manager
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