NAFIS Program: Initiatives and the Role of the Private Sector

The CCI France UAE is participating in an online session organized by the Canadian Business Council Abu Dhabi.

The CCI France UAE is participating in an online session organized by the Canadian Business Council Abu Dhabi in collaboration with NAFIS entitled “NAFIS Program: Initiatives and the Role of the Private Sector”.

NAFIS is a governmental federal program aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the Emirati human resources and empowering them to occupy jobs in the United Arab Emirates’ private sector over the next five years. It is launched as part of the “Projects of the 50”, which aim to accelerate the development journey of the UAE.

Expert speaker, Aysha Aljneibi will presents the following discussion points:

•    NAFIS program and overview
•    Initiatives
•    Role of the private sector

Registration Fee:    Complimentary for members and non-members

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