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Les Gastronomes | A new and unique cheese selection has landed!


Directly from Boulogne-Sur-Mer, we sourced for you a Selection from Philippe Olivier Master Cheese Ripener.
Romain Olivier, son of Philippe is now leading the development of the 100 years old family passion of cheese ripener who supplied the Elysee, the Royal Family of England, in addition to famous banquets around the world.
Sacred “Meilleur Ouvrier de France"(Best Worker of France) in 1996, he will accumulate the distinctions by becoming President of the French Cheesemakers from 2000 to 2015 and will be decorated with the "Legion d'Honneur" in 2017 for more than 50 years of commitment to the service of Cheese Gastronomy.
“This passion becomes quickly contagious when you rub shoulders with such a person every day!” says Romain Olivier.

“It takes a lot of work to make a good cheese!” The feeding of animals, their race, the rhythm of the seasons and the unpredictability of Nature are all factors that will have an influence on cheese. Therefore, at the time of refining, the artisans will constantly adapt, adjust and proceed by trial and error and their individual touch. Ancestral technical gestures are used to perfect the cheese, day after day, and for 24 months sometimes. Washing, turning, salting and brushing them, with a very strict hygiene to control the microbial flora, that is specific to each refiner. “It is during this maturation that the cheeses will acquire their flavors and their final texture, their personality and their optimal quality.”

While we regularly enjoy our excellent cheese selection, during the Philippe Olivier cheese tasting, we got projected directly to France and enjoyed a sense of satisfaction with each bite. 

Enjoy gourmet meals at home !

Gastronomic regards,

Stephanie & Michel


Philippe Olivier Cheese Selection



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