Jérôme ChartierFounder - Les Entretiens de Royaumont

Jérôme Chartier was born on the 14th of November 1966 in Paris. He is a French politician, currently the first vice-president of Ile-de-France in charge of international relations. He was deputy of the 7th constituency in Val-d’Oise.

Interested in social sciences, he passed a double diploma in Paris V University in sociology and linguistics, then a public administration bachelor’s degree and a political sciences master degree. Then in 1990, he went to the ESSEC where he studied Urban Economics, which increased his awareness of issues and values in cities and territories. 

Parallel to his studies, he worked and became a half time parliamentary assistant for a Senator, then general secretary of the group of independent senators from 1989 to 1992.

In 1993, he joined a counsel agency as a project manager before becoming a mission manager. This was for him the opportunity to discover the political marketing techniques of the American campaigns.

1995 is the landmark of both his election as the mayor of Domont (Val-d’Oise, 15000 inhabitants) and his active commitment in Jacques Chirac’s successful presidential campaign. His election at the age of 28 made him one of the youngest mayors of France. 

Anxious to preserve his professional activity in the private sector, he created his own consultancy office, C and C, in 1997 and worked successively for investment funds, industrial groups and management societies. In 2000, he parted with his office to create a participation holding society with some partners. He sold it in turn in 2002 after his election at the Parliament to be free to commit himself entirely to his political activities. 

He was equally in charge of responsibilities within the RPR, and notably became its Secretary for the Val-d’Oise, which is the 10th French federation, and was at the same time in charge of the federations. He took an active part in the creation of the UMP and was in charge of the development of the professional federations. 

In 2002 he  appeared on the political national scene: he was elected deputy of the 7th constituency in Val-d’Oise with almost 58% of the votes. He sits in Parliament in the UMP Group.

As a member of the Finance Commission he is in charge of the budgetary follow up of state fields: he was appointed official recorder of the Home Office funds (2002-2004), of the Foreign Office (2004-2008) and of the mission for Economy. He notably became official recorder for the Finance Commission for 4 laws: concerning the protection of business companies (2003), the opening up of the DCN capital (2004), the purchasing power (2007) and the bank and financial regulation (2010).Being recognized as a specialist of budgetary matters, he became the UMP Group spokesman on the State budget in 2007.

He also got involved in the modernization of French institutions and political life. In 2002 he initiated the creation of a Group of reflection on the modernization of political life and gathered over a hundred members of Parliament of all tendencies. He presided over it until it disappeared in July 2008 after the vote of the constitutional law.

On April 22nd 2004, anniversary of the presidential election first ballot, he gave over to the National Assembly President 15 propositions put forward by his group. To continue this reflection, in September 2005, he published Le lifting de Marianne, 50 propositions (l’Archipel), which benefited from a fairly exceptional success for a political book. He suggested propositions for the evolution of the V° republic institutions. His propositions were positively greeted notably by Nicolas Sarkozy during his 2007 presidential campaign.

He was reelected deputy of Val-d’Oise on June 17th 2007 with nearly 57% of the votes. His commitment in the constitutional debate had been such that, in 2008, he was appointed spokesman of the UMP group for the discussion of the law reforming the constitution of the V° Republic.

Within the UMP group, he furthered a certain number of propositions and ideas of reforms in economical and social areas: in 2007 he was, notably, the author of a report on social VAT which will be at the origin of the “purchasing power VAT” concept.  He became then in charge, within the presidential party, of the debate on purchasing power. In January 2008, he was appointed National Secretary of the UMP, in charge of the reforms follow up, then in March 2009, National Secretary in charge of the public finances and the tax system.

As a candidate to his own re election in June 2012, he resisted the “Pink Wave” and won with 50.29%.

He supported François Fillon’s application to the presidency of the UMP group during 2012 autumn. He became his spokesman and a member of his closest staff.

In January 2013, after the agreement between François Fillon and Jean François Copé he was appointed general manager of the animation of the group.

In March 2014 he was re elected mayor of Domont with 78.9% of the votes.

In December 2015 he was elected first vice president of Ile-de-France. Specializing in planning issues, he was elected in March 2016 as President of the Plaine de France public development agency, which covers the iconic projects of the great Roissy. Complying with the law on the plurality of mandates, he resigned his mandate as mayor of Domont. 

Supporting the candidacy of François Fillon, former prime minister, at the primary of the right and center of November 2016, he is his special adviser and is part of his close team during the presidential campaign of 2017.

Since 2003, he has relaunched Les Entretiens de Royaumont (http://www.entretiensroyaumont.org/fr), created in 1947 by Henri Gouïn and which had disappeared in the early  60ties.In 2013 Les Entretiens celebrated their 10th anniversary and, nowadays,  have become one of the major political think tank in France, the absolute must in December for all the decision makers from all horizons. Since 2014, Les Entretiens took on a new dimension with Les Entretiens in Varsaw, in Madrid and in Abu Dhabi, and next in Marrakech.

He also published in March 2013 an essay on work values: Eloge du travail (Grasset).


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