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[Webinaire] D&I Think Tank | Structure, evaluate and be recognized for your D&I policy in the UAE: the GEEIS certification

Webinaire - Zoom,

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Tarif : Gratuit pour les membres du FBC
AED 110 (TVA incl.) pour les non-membres


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All you need to know about the GEEIS certification and how companies in the UAE are experiencing this label.

The French Business Council D&I Think Thank is delight to present you a conference where you will be able to learn all about the GEEIS (Gender Equality European & International Standard) certification for Gender Equality, What, how and who are the questions we will cover related to this certification,

GEEIS is an international standard enabling the development of a common culture in gender equality and diversity in the workplace, offering multinational companies international recognition, encouraging the introduction of tools to manage an inclusive equal opportunity strategy and fostering dialogue and the sharing of best practices between countries.



16 février 2021
17:30 - 17:35 Introduction - Milena Chemin, Deputy Director French Business Council Dubai & Northern Emirates
17:35 - 17:45 GEEIS process and philosophy: Cristina Lunghi, Founder of NGO Arborus and GEEIS
17:45 - 17:50 What are the benefits of GEEIS certification for our entities in Emirates and worldwide: Bernadette Giard, VP Global D&I of Sodexo
17:50 - 18:00 The D&I policy in Emirates, an additional attractiveness: Marwan Aridi, BVC Dubai and Sergeant Manal Abdelrahim Aljaouhari from Dubai Police Headquarters - Muraqabat Police Station
18:00 - 18:10 Be the first GEEIS certified organisation in Dubai, REX by Dubai Police
18:10 - 18:15 Performing/thriving/rising together: Launch of the first Arborus-GEEIS hub in Dubai: Cristina Lunghi and Damien Sangu, HR Sodexo Dubai
18:15 - 18:30 Q&A

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